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Adam Hodgess

Adam Hodgess Staff Governor Appointed 18/05/2022
How are you connected with the Academy? 

I have been a member of staff at Lipson since 2011 and during this time has served as Learning Technology Manager and now Data, Systems and Timetable Manager. 

How does you current or previous occupation support your work as a governor.

I've now worked within Plymouth schools for the past 20 years, twelve of those at Lipson. My role gives me a unique opportunity to work with all departments throughout the Academy in both a curriculum and administrative capacity. It is this wider insight that I feel gives me the breadth & depth of knowledge and diverse contact to represent the best interests of our school and support the aims and values of the wider MAT. 

Please provide some information on what drives you to be a governor at Lipson.

I am passionate about the development of our whole school and that of the wider community. As a past student of Lipson I feel a great sense of pride and respect for the incredible journey Lipson has taken and for the continued achievements it will have as part of the Ted Wragg MAT.

Are you a member of any professional body which may support your role as a governor? Yes, I am a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.