Attendance Information
Parent and Carer Guide to Attendance and Punctuality
Exceptional Circumstances Document
New Penalty Notice Guidelines - Attendance
Attendance at a glance for Parents and Carers
We would like all students to attend Lipson Cooperative Academy for more than 96% + of the time. We know that high attendance at the academy and achieving target grades are linked. Punctuality is also very important at the academy. All students must arrive on time and be ready for learning with the correct equipment, e.g. pencil case, PE kit and planner. For students who have not had breakfast this is available in the canteen from .
The start of the academy day
All students should arrive at school by 8:40am - any student arriving between 8:40am and 9:00am will be marked as late. Any student arriving after 9:00am will be marked as Unauthorised Late; this is when Lipson Cooperative Academy closes its register. If punctuality is a reoccurring problem, then your child will make up the time lost by attending a detention facilitated by the Head of Year.
Holiday Leave in term time Celebration
Lipson Cooperative Academy closes for 70 days of holidays each academic year and we would expect all parents/carers to take their family holidays whilst the academy is closed. Any parent wanting to take their child on a leave of absence from school should inform the Principal by completing a Request For Absence Form. The application will be looked at on an individual basis and you will be informed by letter of the outcome. However amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 make it clear that Headteachers/Principals will not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Any holiday or leave taken without permission from the Principal will be unauthorised and legal action will be sought from the Local Authority.
Should your child be too ill to attend school would you please contact us on the first day of absence where ever possible before 9.00am, telephone number : 01752 671318. Please keep us informed of your child’s progress. If your child is to be off for 3 days or more we will require medical evidence from your G.P. i.e. an appointment card or letter from doctor or hospital stating your child is too ill to attend school. Telephone calls are made to every parent/carer of a student who is absent from school each morning. If we cannot make contact, a truancy call message alert will be sent.
Persistent absence
If we have tried and your child’s absence continues to be a problem, this is called Persistent Absence, a level of attendance below 90%. This looks approximately like:-
ï‚· By end of half term 1 Autumn 24th October 2014 10+ sessions (5 days) missed
ï‚· By end of half term 2 Autumn 19th October 2014 20+ sessions (11 days) missed
ï‚· By end of half term 3 Spring 13th February 2015 30+ sessions (15 days) missed
ï‚· By end of half term 4 Spring 27th March 2015 38+ sessions (19 days) missed
ï‚· By end of half term 5 Summer 22nd May 2015 46+ sessions (23 days) missed
*session equivalent of a half day in the academy; if our efforts have not had an effect then you will be asked to attend a meeting with the Attendance Officer, Head of Year, Assistant Principal responsible for attendance or Educational Welfare Officer (EWO). (Penalty Notice Warnings are issued to parents & carers after 5 sessions of unauthorised absence)
For more information regarding Holiday In Term Time please click here