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The Ted Wragg Multi-Academy Trust has delegated strategic oversight of the Academy to the Local Governing Board.

Details of the Ted Wragg Multi Academy Trust and their Trustees can be viewed on the TWMAT website.

This includes the Trust annual report, annual audited accounts, memorandum of association, articles of association, names of trustees and members and the trust funding agreement.

Details of the structure and responsibilities of the governing board and its committees can be view on the TWMAT website.   

Governing Board


Chair -  Helen Morris C/O Lipson Co-operative Academy, Bernice Terrace, Plymouth, PL4 7PG

Vice Chair - Kevin Bishop  C/O Lipson Co-operative Academy, Bernice Terrace, Plymouth, PL4 7PG

Clerk to Governors - Megan Heath

Please select the governor name to view a short profile. 

 Title       Forename  Surname      Governor Type Period of Office Method of appointment
        From To
 Mr Kevin Bishop Co-opted / Vice Chair 01/01/2022 31/12/2025 Trust Appointed
 Mr  Martin  Brook  Ex-Officio / Headteacher  05/04/2019   Ex-officio
Mrs Lucie Garland Co-opted 01/01/2022 31/12/2025 Trust Appointed
Mr Adam Hodgess Staff 18/05/2022 17/05/2026 Staff Appointed


Mr Stuart Koehler-Lewis Co-opted 01/01/2022 31/12/2025 Trust Appointed
Ms Helen Morris Co-opted / Chair 01/01/2022 31/12/2025 Trust Appointed
Miss Zoe Reilly Parent 27/04/2022 Parent Appointed



Vacancy Co-opted Trust Appointed



Vacancy Co-opted Trust Appointed



Vacancy Parent Parent Appointed


Associate Members


Mr Simon Hunter Finance 05/02/2020 As required Co-opted


Previous Governors - Showing governors for the past twelve months


Mrs Kerry Sumareh 27/04/2022 31/07/2022 Parent Appointed
Mrs Jessica Anscombe 25/05/2022 05/03/2023 Staff Appointed

Governor Roles Within Other Schools

Kevin Bishop is a co-opted Governor at Prince Rock Primary School. 

 Adam Hodgess is a co-opted Governor at Lipson Vale Primary School. 

Governance Documentation

Lipson Declarations of Business Interests

Governor Attendance


If you would like to request a copy of the meeting minutes from our governor meetings then please contact the school Governance Officer via governance@tedwraggtrust.co.uk