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Remote Blended Learning

Google Classroom Remote Learning Guide for Students and Parents/Carers

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Remote Education Provision at Lipson 

As remote and blended learning are now a key part of our lives, we thought it was important to explain what remote learning looks like at Lipson, so that together we can continue to develop this provision and support our students, their families and our staff with this new form of working.

Firstly, our provision this year is fully blended, meaning that all lessons taught within the curriculum are also available online, so should individual, groups or all students be working remotely, they should be able to access the work, which is in line with each subject’s scheme of learning (details of which are available on our curriculum pages).

Our Provision is in line with the DfE guidance ‘Remote Education Support which, can be viewed here:


Please note that whilst we try to ensure that our online provision is as similar to our standard in-class provision as possible, we recognise that at times the activities we would normally deliver in class may need to be adapted for remote learning & in the event of blanket remote provision, the sequence of the curriculum may need to be adapted accordingly.

How remote learning works at Lipson?

At Lipson we use Google Classroom for all our remote learning provision.

All students have been invited to join the ‘virtual classrooms’ for all their lessons and further to this, we have included notifications for parents and carers so if the work has been assigned on Google classroom as an ‘Assignment’ you will receive a notification when the work is set and details of the submission day.

The work for all lessons will be uploaded onto Google Classroom by 9am each morning and your child will be expected to follow their standard lesson timetable from 8.50 every day.

Lockdown Remote Education Provision

Click here for historic reference to our detailed lockdown provision.