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Head of Citizenship and PSHE

Kate McPherson


At Lipson Cooperative Academy we promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme. PSHE education is the curriculum subject that gives young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential.

PSHE education is delivered to years 7-11 within Citizenship lessons which are timetabled for one hour a week. Students follow a spiral programme covering five key topic areas which are revisited each year as a child moves through the school. In providing a spiral programme of knowledge, skills and attitudinal development, prior learning can be revisited, reinforced and extended in an age appropriate context.

The programme covers the following topic areas:

  •         Health and Wellbeing
  •         Economic Wellbeing and the World of Work
  •         Relationships
  •         British Values
  •         Living in the Wider World

PSHE education is also delivered to students of all age-groups in the form of workshops and projects undertaken throughout the year.


Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) education forms part of the tutorial programme where students work on a variety of tasks to develop their knowledge and understanding of a variety of issues. The chosen topic will form the basis of assemblies taken during the week.

Within the SMSC programme there are certain events during the year that are always observed such as Remembrance, Holocaust Memorial Day and major cultural festivals. At times topics are selected as deemed important for the Lipson community. Students are encouraged to reflect on our Cooperative Values such as equity, equality and self-help and think about how they might demonstrate values within their everyday lives.


PSHE, Citizenship and SMSC at Lipson indends to facilitate an environment both inside and outside of the curriculum in which pupils will develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, safe, prepared for life and work and develop them generally to have a positive impact and influence on society. 

Through experience and curriculum, we ensure that our students have the skills they need to become successful rounded young people. We recognise that the development of students, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part not only in their ability to learn and achieve but in their ability to relate fully to and have the ability to access the world they live in. We therefore aim to provide an education that provides students with opportunities to explore and develop their own values, whilst recognising that those of others may differ. Beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour including a positive caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures are all critical skills and dispositions that we nurture, encourage and develop through our subject and wider curriculum.

Our Curriculum Learning Pathway

Citizenship Curriculum Pathway (PDF)

Transition & building on KS2 

PSHE is widely covered within our local primary schools and our curriculum has been designed to build upon the prior learning that students have done earlier in their school careers.

Within Citizenship/PSHE lessons students will continue to cover statutory relationships and sex education in an age appropriate way. They will also continue to develop their awareness of economic well being, British values and relationships.


PSHE education is delivered to years 7-11 within Citizenship lessons which are timetabled for one hour a week. Students follow a spiral programme covering five key topic areas which are revisited each year as a child moves through the school. In providing a spiral programme of knowledge, skills and attitudinal development, prior learning can be revisited, reinforced and extended in an age appropriate context.

The programme covers the following topic areas:

  • Health and Wellbeing - statement 
  • Economic Wellbeing and the World of Work
  • Relationships
  • British Values
  • Living in the Wider World

PSHE,Citizenship and SMSC education is also delivered to students of all age-groups in the form of workshops, projects undertaken throughout the year, assemblies and morning tutor time sessions.


Pupil voice from a sample of year 7-11, suggests that students value their PSHE, Citizenship and SMSC lessons at Lipson. 

All students access age appropriate learning surrounding the understanding of healthy relationships and consent. Students are well informed and confident on how to talk about and report peer on peer abuse to keep themselves and others safe.

All students explore and understand the importance of being aspirational throughout their studies but also beyond their years at Lipson. 

All students are taught how to manage their own personal safety both online and offline. They are also confident on how to report issues surrounding personal safety online through signposting. 

All students understand their role within society and how to make a positive contribution to their community. Our students are active citizens and take pride in this responsibility. 

The spiral curriculum is deliberately planned to enable pupils to revisit core themes and deepen the students' understanding. 

End point plans provide transparency of assessment, key skills and concepts, success criteria, key vocabulary and synoptic links. 

Retrieval of relevant prior learning at the start of lessons helps to embed learning and inform of misconceptions allowing for staff to address these in a timely manner. In order to help recall this information ‘low stakes testing’ is used in the form of mini plenaries and low stakes testing throughout lessons. 

Useful Websites

Youthweb – Website for students by students promoting discussion covering issues including; racism, identity and bullying … www.youth-web.org.uk

Stop Hate UK – Stop Hate UK is a charity that provides independent and confidential support to people affected by Hate Crime in various areas of the country. They have reporting phone lines and information available …. www.stophateuk.org

Childline – Provides help and advice about a wide range of issues affecting Children and Young People … https://www.childline.org.uk/info-advice/bullying-abuse-safety/your-rights/discrimination-hate-crime-equality/

Hate Crime Support Line - SupportLine is able to take calls on a wide range of issues including relationships, child abuse, anger, bullying, eating disorders, exam stress, self harm, domestic violence, rape and sexual assault, disability, mental health, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, addictions, debt, phobias, conflict, sexuality, health concerns, homelessness, racial harassment, loneliness …  https://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/hate-crime/

Young Minds – Leading Charity supporting young people mental health … https://youngminds.org.uk/

Local Support 

Plymouth and Devon Racial Equality Council - PDREC provides free confidential information, advice and support to victims and witnesses of Race Hate Incidents and Crimes …https://www.plymouthanddevonrec.org.uk/

Devon and Cornwall Police - https://www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/advice/threat-assault-abuse/hate-crime/

Local Support - Impact and Mental Health

The Zone - A registered charity with over 25 years’ experience of providing early intervention and targeted health and social care services for supporting young people … https://www.thezoneplymouth.co.uk/

Young Devon - Young Devon is the largest young people’s charity in the South West. Our mission is simply to make Devon a better place for all young people … https://www.youngdevon.org/

Kooth Online Counselling - www.xenzone.com