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Lipson Students return from Adventure in Borneo

A group of Lipson students in Year 11 and the Sixth Form have returned after a 4 week adventure in the Asian island of Borneo – distance from Plymouth 7000 miles!

The group consisted of Hannah Smith, Jess Triscott, Jack Munday, Josh Glanville and Poppy Garlick and was supported by Lipson teacher Jon Power. During the 4 weeks, the students engaged in community and conservation work to support the local people. This included building 2 toilet blocks and a market square.

The students worked in partnership with Lipson Co-operative Academy over 18 months to raise funds from the trip and it is clear that it was the experience of a lifetime. Jess Triscott comments, ‘There were some low points when we were nearly eaten alive by mosquitoes but the whole experience was overwhelmingly positive with the highlight being the chance to work with local people. These people have nothing and yet they never complain and they are always smiling. To see such a different way of life has really made me think about how lucky we all are and how we don’t always appreciate what we have.’