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Headteacher's Blog 11th March 2022

Some great news to start my blog this week, we managed to raise a staggering £1884.34 last Friday for the humanitarian effort to support the displaced refugees from Ukraine.  This was by no means a political statement, but one of compassion for those who have been forced to flee their homes. It’s times like these that I am particularly proud to be Headteacher at Lipson and would like to thank the students, parents and staff for their support in this worthwhile cause.

I was pleased to welcome our new Deputy Headteacher for a visit this week before he starts with us properly after Easter. Brad Turner will be a fantastic addition to the senior leadership team and comes with a wealth or experience which we will gladly tap in to. Brad is a teacher of English and will be taking over the role of Designated Safeguarding lead. 

Year 11 are well and truly on the count down to their GCSE exams which are due to start in just 9 weeks’ time. We really want to put in as many interventions to support the students to achieve the very best that they can. Attendance at Study Café is vital to avoid any gaps in knowledge and this will compliment student’s revision and will be a powerful tool to accomplish fantastic results!

It has been 2 years since exams were sat in the summer and we really do want to throw the kitchen sink at these wonderful young people. This was particularly true when we had guest, inspirational speaker Simon Mundie present to Year 11. Simon is the host of the critically acclaimed podcast, ‘Life Lessons’ and he reaffirmed to our students that anything is possible, if you put your mind to it. 

The 6th form were also lucky enough to receive a phenomenal presentation from local group ‘MADE’, who spoke to students about the importance of study habits both in school and at home. Students spoke of how useful this guest presentation had been and will take away key techniques for future study.

Finally, just to remind you that we currently have a planning application in for a perimeter fence around the school. I believe that we are one of the only schools in the country that have such an open site and therefore, for safeguarding reasons the fence is vital. It would be great to voice your support for the fence by either going to the planning portal – and leaving a comment or by sending supportive comments through to Isobel Fardon, quoting our planning reference 22/00205/FUL  PP-11037058 in your correspondence.  


Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Martin Brook, Headteacher